Accounting Services

Cost Segregation Studies

Miami Tax Advisor’s cost segregation analysis helps businesses identify specific building-related assets that qualify for shorter federal tax depreciation schedules, potentially leading to substantial reductions in federal and state income taxes and improved cash flow during a building’s early years of existence.


While most tax returns typically account for the depreciation of personal property, such as equipment and furniture, over a span of five or seven years, many miss out on valuable federal and state tax benefits by spreading out the depreciation of building construction or acquisition over a lengthy 39-year period. This oversight can potentially lead to significant financial losses, impacting cash flow.


Miami Tax Advisor’s cost segregation analysis specializes in identifying specific building-related assets that qualify for shorter federal tax depreciation schedules. Our experts collaborate with businesses to ensure they seize these opportunities.


By conducting a cost segregation study, you can significantly reduce federal and state income taxes during the initial years of a building’s existence by accelerating depreciation deductions. As part of this process, we determine the net present value of the resulting increased cash flow over the facility’s lifespan, providing you with a clear cost benefit analysis. Our conclusions adhere to sound tax principles and are supported by IRS regulations, rulings, and case law. Our highly qualified team specializes in identifying federal and state tax advantages for owners of commercial, industrial, and rental real estate.


Consider a cost segregation study if you are:


  • Embarking on a new building construction project.
  • Acquiring an existing building.
  • Undertaking a renovation or expansion.
  • Engaging in leasehold improvements.

At Miami Tax Advisor, cost segregation studies are just one of the ways we collaborate with you to create, grow, and safeguard your wealth.


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Our expert accounting advice has significantly improved clients’ businesses by enhancing financial clarity, reducing errors in tax filings, and increasing confidence in financial management, leading to better decision-making and improved business performance.